Monthly Archives: October 2014

Verbal Communication: What Are You Talking About?

We deliver many communication skills training programs at Learning Dynamics. We can point to clients that have recognized this as a priority in every industry and niche. This doesn’t happen because Learning Dynamics has an army of sales people out pushing these programs. Instead, communication skills – especially verbal interpersonal communication – have been recognized as a key component of professional effectiveness by employers of every stripe.

The Center for Professional Excellence at York College of Pennsylvania conducts an annual survey of over 600 human resources professionals to get an understanding of their opinions and perceptions of their new employees. These HR leaders view good interpersonal communication skill as being an important component of employee professionalism. Those viewed as unprofessional often have, as you might expect, communication skill shortfalls.

Verbal communication is ranked the second most important professional skill.

The National Association of Colleges and Employers, in its Job Outlook 2012 report, also found that organizations rank interpersonal communication skills as being one of the most important workplace skills. Verbal communication skills ranked #2 on the report, compared with #9: the ability to write reports.

The good news is that verbal communication skills can be taught and are very coachable. This development goal could be even more important than ever as some have suggested that the widespread increase in texting and other non-verbal communication tools have stunted the skill of conversation for many.

An engaged and caring leader can help a team member plan for communication and offer valuable after-action feedback. Here are some coachable points:

Did you deliver the key information: the who, what, where, when, why, and how?

Were you concise enough?

Did your tone and non-verbal actions (body language) support or hinder the effectiveness of your message?

Extensive research proves that interpersonal communication is a key contributor to professionalism. Isn’t it worth investing energy and time into this critically important skill?


Learning Dynamics offers many customized learning and development solutions to help your team communicate better. Communicating for Success and Personally Speaking™ are two options. Contact Learning Dynamics today to learn how we can help your organization excel with better professional skills.

CompassLearning Dynamics hosted its Integrity at Work(R) showcase session this morning, and the conversation among the business leaders who attended was energetic and engaged. As we worked through video case studies and discussed the situations, the diversity of opinions illustrated just how valuable this training can be.

While there was much agreement on many of the issues discussed, there were some differences. Also, because different companies operating in different industries were represented, the stories of challenges faced were compelling. We recognized a handful of themes that are worth sharing.

First, does your organization have a published ethics policy? Many large organizations have stringent guidelines, chief ethics and/or compliance officers, and other tools to help guide employees. If yours is a smaller organization, it is worth the effort to have a policy and provide training. Even one bad decision can cost your company a lot, making education and prevention worthwhile.

Second, is ethical decision making part of the office buzz? Do you and your leaders talk about it? Do you take opportunities – teachable moments – to illustrate how policy and sound critical thinking about ethical issues have come into play in a particular situation? There is nothing like a real-world, this-happened-here example to help make your point.

Finally, do your senior leaders set the example? Leaders set the tone and create the culture. Your personal behavior and decision making, your commitment to doing the right thing, are very valuable to less senior employees. They will often do what they see their leaders doing.

Sometimes knowing what to do is difficult. Learning and using a tool to guide decision making can make it easier and results more consistent. Now, as much as at any time in the past, ethics grounded in personal integrity and bolstered by a clear thought strategy are needed in all organizational life.


Learning Dynamics offers customized learning and development solutions for many workplace issues and skills. Integrity at Work ™ is one of them. Contact Learning Dynamics today to help plan your ethics training strategy.